Climbing a Bali Volcano…with a little extra help


Gunung Agung, Bali's highest volcano at 9,000 feet

Gunung Agung, Bali’s highest volcano at 9,000 feet

Most trekkers appeal to the Gods for support before climbing Gunung Agung, Bali’s 9,000 foot volcano.  Some of us also need chocolate.

Prayer at Pasar Agung, By Joseph Smith Mewha

Prayer at Pasar Agung, By Joseph Smith Mewha

The trip began at sunrise with prayer at Pasar Agung temple.  I said a few more than usual for my knees, legs, feet and lungs.

Sunrise: The Trek Begins

Sunrise: The Trek Begins

This is a volcano so there is no meandering or switchbacks or any other wimpy western trekking crutches.  The trail went straight up the damn mountain.  The trail began on a narrow path through the jungle which as we rose became less dense and eventually ended after about 2 hours.  The last hour and a half was a scramble over rocks and boulders until a final push of nearly straight up to the rim of volcano…which overlooked this very big, ugly caldera.

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We were eleven.  Joe, Alex and me from America (Max smartly stayed home with Bali Belly) and eight ashram members (Wyasa 1 and 2, Artha, Nengah, Adi, Kawenuh, Komang and Sugi).  Our Balinese friends were bundled up for freezing weather and wore an odd assortment of trekking gear.

Wayan Wyasa, wearing Nomad Bandit trekking gear

Wayan Wyasa, wearing Nomad Bandit trekking gear

Cowboy Nengah

Cowboy Adi



Sugi and Adi

Sugi and Adi

Alex, Joe and Kawenuh

Alex, Joe and Kawenuh

Sheik Komang on the mountain

Sheik Komang on the mountain

Also proud that our group picked up several bags of plastic garbage on the trail and recycled it.  Nengah, Kawenuh and Wyasa 1 won the prize for best recyclers.

Our final ascent to one of the holy places on the rim was delayed by a group offering prayers from a village in Karangasem.  Some of us waited our turn to pray.


The caldera from the rim with incense for prayers

The caldera from the rim with incense for prayers


Some walked over to the party place to celebrate reaching the top.

By Joe Smith Mewha

By Joe Smith Mewha

photo 1

Wyasa Perseda celebrating

Wyasa Perseda celebrating



Flaunting it at the top

Flaunting it at the top

Some just celebrated the fact it was over.



Pak Dave